Showing 1 - 25 of 25 Results
Elements of the Art of Dyeing, by C L and a B Berthollet by Claude Louis Berthollet (Co... ISBN: 9781173068981 List Price: $36.75
El�ments de L'Art de la Teinture, Avec une Description du Blanchiment Par L'Acide Muriatique... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, A... ISBN: 9781276547178 List Price: $32.75
Elements of the Art of Dyeing, by C L and a B Berthollet by Claude Louis Berthollet (Co... ISBN: 9781174760389 List Price: $37.75
Elements of the Art of Dyeing and Bleaching by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, B... ISBN: 9781164811862 List Price: $46.36
Elements Of The Art Of Dyeing And Bleaching (1841) by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, B... ISBN: 9781164632207 List Price: $34.36
Elements of the Art of Dyeing : With a description of the art of bleaching by oxymuriatic Acid by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, B... ISBN: 9781178511505 List Price: $36.75
Ele Ments de l'Art de la Teinture : Avec une Description du Blanchi Ment Par l'Acide Muriati... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis 17... ISBN: 9781363138029 List Price: $17.95
Ele Ments de l'Art de la Teinture : Avec une Description du Blanchi Ment Par l'Acide Muriati... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis 17... ISBN: 9781363136483 List Price: $19.95
Elements of the Art of Dyeing and Bleaching (1841) by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, B... ISBN: 9781436833325 List Price: $42.95
Elements of the Art of Dyeing and Bleaching (1841) by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, B... ISBN: 9781437012996 List Price: $57.95
Elements of the Art of Dyeing: With a Description of the Art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Aci... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, B... ISBN: 9781142636234 List Price: $38.75
An Essay On Chemical Statics: With Copious Explanatory Notes, and an Appendix On Vegetable a... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, L... ISBN: 9781145065260 List Price: $39.75
Elements of the Art of Dyeing, by C.L. and A.B. Berthollet by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, B... ISBN: 9781145987012 List Price: $43.75
Elements of the Art of Dyeing: With a Description of the Art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Aci... by Claude-Louis Berthollet, Am... ISBN: 9781357301668 List Price: $29.95
Ele Ments de l'Art de la Teinture : Avec une Description du Blanchi Ment Par l'Acide Muriati... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis 17... ISBN: 9781363138043 List Price: $27.95
Ele Ments de l'Art de la Teinture : Avec une Description du Blanchi Ment Par l'Acide Muriati... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis 17... ISBN: 9781363136506 List Price: $29.95
Elements of the Art of Dyeing : With a Description of the Art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Ac... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis 17... ISBN: 9781362034247 List Price: $19.95
An Essay on Chemical Statics: With Copious Explanatory Notes, and an Appendix on Vegetable a... by Claude-Louis Berthollet, B ... ISBN: 9781357789077 List Price: $29.95
Elements of the art of Dyeing: With a Description of the art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Acid by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, B... ISBN: 9781341647987 List Price: $29.95
Elements of the Art of Dyeing, by C. L. and A. B. Berthollet by Berthollet, Am�d�e B., Bert... ISBN: 9781346133546 List Price: $30.95
Elements of the Art of Dyeing : With a Description of the Art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Ac... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis 17... ISBN: 9781362034278 List Price: $29.95
Elements of the Art of Dyeing : With a Description of the Art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Ac... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis 17... ISBN: 9781362032939 List Price: $29.95
Elements of the Art of Dyeing : With a Description of the Art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Ac... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis 17... ISBN: 9781362032915 List Price: $19.95
Elements of the Art of Dyeing : With a Description of the Art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Ac... by Berthollet, Claude-Louis, B... ISBN: 9781378976333 List Price: $19.95
Elements of the Art of Dyeing and Bleaching by Berthollet, Claude-Louis 17... ISBN: 9781015113381 List Price: $24.95